Thursday, November 8, 2007

sound of music: the african way.

What a beautiful day of hiking!! With packed pb and jelly sandwhiches, four fun friends, and my camera, we set out hiking in Mt Elgon National Park and down Sipi Falls (both in Southeast Uganda, bordering Kenya). 

It was one of the more-prefect days of my time in Uganda. We hiked all day through every terrain imaginable: in the rainforest, through mud, across sketchy bridges and ladders, through fields of matooke (bananas) and maize (corn), and through villages. Our hike culminated at the top of a mountain near an acacia tree (think lion king), overlooking the valley, and at the end of a maize field. There we ate roasted corn (which is a wonderful favorite of mine) with Ugandan boys while overlooking miles of green rolling hills. And listening to three majestic waterfalls gushing. It was a moment I will never forget. Fabulous.

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