Saturday, August 25, 2007

uganda. first two days!

hello all!
i am safely in uganda. but beyond this i don't know where to even begin....
the smells and the sights and the food are all AMAZING!
i keep having to remind myself that i am actually in uganda. :)

i didn't expect to email this soon. so here is a brief synopsis of my time here so far!

after 21 hours of flying and meeting 37 awesome people we are in kampala.
last night was rough because although i was exhausted, i could not fall asleep.
i was sleeping under a mosquito net.
but i think it was the time difference and the overwhelmingness of the day hitting me.
i missed you mommy! :)

this morning i woke early (suprisingly) and sat on the veranda with my Bible and the warmth of the sun hitting me!
it was wonderful!
then to top that i off, i got a HOT shower! :) YAY!
(let me tell you- i was is great need of it after all that traveling)
we are sleeping in a guest house that overlooks kampala and lake victoria.
it is beautiful.

everyone ate breakfast and TEA.
then we sat under a straw hut and had our first USP session.
we broke into groups and were able to share why we were here.
very cool!
then we had a tea break.
tea. tea. tea.

i think i am going to like tea!
we drink it at least two times a day!
it hit me later today that the small headache i had was from all the caffeine.
finally, i WILL be a tea drinker! :)

later we went to the tombs of Buganda's kings.
and to the city.

my first impressions of africa are that it is similar to mexico.
def not the same, but similar.
we drive on the other side of the street.
and cars don't stop for you.
it's crazy!
no lines either... (isp no lines song... :)

i am so excited for all the people i have met already!
everyone is so sweet. genuine. and passionate about trying new things and Africa.
seriously, i feel SO blessed!
right now we are all on the internet listening to awesome worship songs being played by people.
and everyone is just singing along.
it is very beautiful!

i sat next to sarah and jason on the plane rides.
sarah has a nikon d40 so we are buddies for sure! :)
i have an awesome roommate for these two days named kimberly.
she is very cool and we both like to journal a lot.
i have also made a dear friend already, named sarah horvath (there are FOUR sarah's!)
we hang out a lot. but still try to branch off to others too.
we have a mutual agreement of our friendship which is so awesome.
and relaxing. and refreshing.

funny story today sarah and i got ice cream in town.
and the minute she licked it, it went SPLAT!
right on the interns foot and on the floor of the restaurant. hehehehe
it was so sad.
so in the picture posted on picasa (sign in as visitor if it asks you)it explains why her ice cream cone looks so pathetically empty!
fun times! :)

i feel blessed already to be with such cool people!
and the program seems to be very cool.

we are heading to UCU tomorrow.
and we are getting our roommates for the semester.
i am excited. but also nervous.
please pray that i would be placed with who God puts me with.
and that i would be content and okay with whoever it is!

sorry if this email is very scattered. it is very hard to concentrate and connect my thoughts.
most importantly... i am safe. and loving it!!

please pray:
that i would not have any expectations. but would experience everyday with an open mind.
for my roommate.
for relationships to form or disintegrate based on who God has me be friends with.
for me to meet God everyday. and of course to have my faith strengthened and q's answered.
that i could sleep tonight!
also, that i would remember to use sunscreen regularly... i am already a little burned!
and PRAISE that i already have some good friends and feel pretty connected! :)

i love you all.
and hope you are doing well!

love aimee

a few pictures: