Friday, September 28, 2007

mac and cheese: congealed style!

on wednesday night i cooked macaroni and cheese for my family over a campfire-esque stove and mostly in the dark! it was an experience, but my family said they enjoyed it...

the menu: mac and cheese, with warmed bread and blue band butter, with banana boats for desert, and coke/ pineapple juice!!

after i boiled the macaroni everything got really hectic. the cheese sauce cooked really fast and the meal was done, but my whole family wasn't there. and the cheese congealed REALLY FAST. so i tried to like "mingle" (stir) it with these spoons and keep it warm at the same time, but it was pretty cold by the time everyone ate. oh well, they liked it (they said)!

i also made banana boats which were everyone's favorite, including mine!! oh and a cockroach flew into my face as i was making them, that was fun... grr! :)
it was an experience, and luckily they had never had mac and cheese before because it really didn't taste like the kraft stuff at home... oh well, a little taste of america is always nice once in a while, even if it is a little off! :)

i am wrapping up my homestay tonight and am really going to miss the family aspect of living here. but i am also looking forward to having LIGHT and my nights free for hw and hanging out with friends! hopefully i will get to visit often... i will miss them SO much! :)

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