Monday, August 27, 2007


i am now on the campus of UCU.
my roommate is ironically the same girl that i roomed with in kampala... kimberly. :)
she is awesome and thank you all so much for your prayers for putting me with a special one!

the campus is BEAUTIFUL!
there are rolling hils and flowers. and brick building!
it seems like a little town full of Christians because there is a church, 4 cafes, houses, etc.
i keep having to remind myself that i am in africa.

today however, was the first day that i finally felt like the MINORITY!
we went to the town of mukono on a scavenger hunt looking for the essentials...
toilet paper (BLUE!)
gum boots (rain boots... yay for puddle stomping!)
and mmore.
everyone looked at us and some honked and waved and def stared.
my favorite part was when we went to the market behind the main roads
because it was exactly how i would have pictured africa.
i love the feeling... but again we were the minority
and there were funky things for sale, like raw meat or gizzards with flys... gross!! :)

rain comes suddenly and HARD!
we were having class in a tin roof classroom and had to leave the class because it was too loud to hear anything! :)
puddle jumping to come very soon!

the food.
breakfast: sweet potatoes and tea
lunch: rice and beans with a purple peanut sauce and today there was beef and corn malt meal stuff
and sometimes sweet potatos and cassava (which is a starchy root... i am eating a root! crazy! :) )
dinner: rice and beans wiht a purple peanut sauce
and tea time at least once a day, in the morning! it is awesome to just break to sit and talk!
and soda in glass bottles is a semi-staple!
i love the food.
good thing i like rice and beans a lot. :)

tonight four of us cut one girls hair really short.
kimberly my roomie did a really good job!
it was so funny because none of us knew what we were doing
we just held pieces up and chopped!!
"thankfully curly hair is forgiving!"
it was tons of fun and a really random, college dorm thing to do!

mosquito nets.
i feel like a princess. protected. secure.
but it is also weird because you feel like a mummy.
when i got up for the bathroom, i didn't let myself look around too much
in fear of finding a gecko or a bug near my bed!
thankfully, i have not seen too many.
although, i did kill a cokroach! :)

we are going to rwanda on saturday, so i am not sure when i will write again.
but i am having tons of fun.
i love sarah my friend. i am excited to become better friends these four months! :)

love love love.

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