Friday, October 19, 2007

.life in africa.

Remember back when I went on that charity flood walk?! Well the story behind that was that I felt like the answer to my prayer for a volunteer agency in uganda may come from me attending it. And I think it may have!! When I was at the walk I was drawn to this mzungu woman (when we see white people, we feel at home… J) and we ended up talking for the majority of the walk and talking about why she was here. Tamara and her husband are working for a micro-finance program here and with a program called Life in Africa. I mentioned that I was looking for an organization to work with while I am here. She said, OH yah totally- my co-worker is looking for people to survey refugee families in an IDP camp outside Kampala. WHAT!! I immediately was stoked.

So I called her and set up a time to meet…

And today we traveled there (got lost, but it was okay), saw the center and met up with tamara and Christina and peter (who has five day old twin girls that we got to hold- precious!). it was so cool. Our job will be to ask the families questions and meet with them for like an hour or two.

Real questions. Real answers. Real life.

Then I was worried that I have no free time to do this work, although I really want to. And I talked to our intern who said I may be able to MAKE it my service project, instead of adding it on and also free up some time to go. I feel really excited about this AWESOME learning experience. J please pray for continued HUMILITY and guidance in this opportunity!!

ps. i am SO excited because i feel like everything has lined up for me to do this! :) (kinda like a swipe to save feeling!)

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