it's been SO long since i got to upload pics, but i finally got time!!
on sunday my family went to a rivercats game with our church, and had lots of fun with the hawkins family. :) we are not baseball people, sorry bry i hardly watched any of it....
al and i went downtown on the light rail early and were "urban." we walked and shopped and talked. it was fun!
want bigger pics? or the whole album?... click on the slideshow!!
church on sunday was really good. a guy named chuck neighbor did a drama skit and the message was
"In His Steps- What Would Jesus Do?" it was very powerful for me, but after it was over i got sad because there were so many people who did not seem to agree. so many seemed apathetic to the horrendous lives others face around us everyday. his message was about the poor and hungry around us. and a challenge not to ignore it or turn our backs to it, but to do as Jesus would do
and help them,
feed them,
love them.
that is so my heart.
as i work in juvenile hall more i see (again, after ukraine), the evil of this world and how much they need Jesus. and His love. but how are they ever going to see it if we as Christians never show them a physical example of His love?!
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
Matt 22:36-39
I know God can work in powerful ways without our help, but He has still called us to be His vessels of light and show others love. so the challenge was to do nothing without first asking what Jesus would do in the situation. i am trying to remember to ask Him before i act; i am not perfect, but He is.
God, You keep putting the needy people in front of my face. and breaking my heart. i keep working with the "hard" kids and i love it. it breaks my heart, but i still absolutely love it. why do You keep putting these kids into my life (i mean how cool is it that i got to work in lock down juvenile hall?!)?? not many people get these opportunities. nor do they enjoy it! what is Your purpose in all this? please show me Your will for my life!!!!
keep breaking my heart for the lost, and remind me to pray.
show me who You are more everyday. please. sometimes i am just confused and unsure... make Your reality clearer to me everyday and don't let my mind be muddled by the enemy.
thank You so much!
"many people don't do anything, because they can't do everything"
-BUT we can never do it all and only God can. the poor will always be with us the Bible says...
"There will always be poor people in the land.
Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers
and toward the poor and needy in your land"
Deut 15:11