Friday, September 28, 2007

mac and cheese: congealed style!

on wednesday night i cooked macaroni and cheese for my family over a campfire-esque stove and mostly in the dark! it was an experience, but my family said they enjoyed it...

the menu: mac and cheese, with warmed bread and blue band butter, with banana boats for desert, and coke/ pineapple juice!!

after i boiled the macaroni everything got really hectic. the cheese sauce cooked really fast and the meal was done, but my whole family wasn't there. and the cheese congealed REALLY FAST. so i tried to like "mingle" (stir) it with these spoons and keep it warm at the same time, but it was pretty cold by the time everyone ate. oh well, they liked it (they said)!

i also made banana boats which were everyone's favorite, including mine!! oh and a cockroach flew into my face as i was making them, that was fun... grr! :)
it was an experience, and luckily they had never had mac and cheese before because it really didn't taste like the kraft stuff at home... oh well, a little taste of america is always nice once in a while, even if it is a little off! :)

i am wrapping up my homestay tonight and am really going to miss the family aspect of living here. but i am also looking forward to having LIGHT and my nights free for hw and hanging out with friends! hopefully i will get to visit often... i will miss them SO much! :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

YAY! I'm at an internet cafe

well i am finally getting internet long enough to post a blog... YAY!

this past week and a half i have been enjoying my homestay family a lot. i am learning to cook some new kinds of food (that i will let you try hopefully at home), and learning their language some, and i think i am finally adapting to their way of life. i find myself switching into "ugandan" mode a lot with the words i use and the tone of my voice, i am sure you would all laugh at me! :)

it has been an eye-opening experience to live in a family that is so poor and lives day-to-day. as i said last time, my mom works very hard as a cleaner at ucu. she sweeps classrooms and supports her family off of that income. i had a great talk with her on saturday about her testimony. she has such a strong faith in God and says she would not be where she is today without her prayers. to me it seems like she should doubt God because of everything she has been through and the struggles she has had to simply EAT. but she is grateful that everything has not been taken from her and that she has the job at the university. it is SO humbling.

it is also amazing to live so simply. i feel so grateful for the food i am given now because i know that it was not easy to put it on the table... and it is great to hear my mom say something like "praise God" everytime she finshes supper. :)

"african time"
on saturday i had a true experience with this concept. we were meeting my mom's sisters to go to their village, and were supposed to meet them at 10 am. all day we anticiapted their arrival... and i thought for sure they would never come. but right before 5 PM they finally came and we left. WOW!!!

my week hasn't been too exciting or different, but i am just still enjoying my friendships, learning ugandan, cooking with my host family, and am even adjusting to the bugs...
okay, after sunday that is...
sunday was a rough day and i think i would label it "homestay culture shock phase two".
i was feeling weak after church and on the way home bought an apple (even though it was expensive i felt irritated and uncomfortable maybe--- so i sought comfort in my apple).
after washing it with hand sanitizer and water :), i ate it in my room, so i didn't gloat my apple to my family.
during my enjoyment and de-stress period, what did i have to see but a rat, a RAT.
of all the things that i didn't need that day, it was the rat that came in my room and went under my feet.
then after rushing through my apple (bummed i couldn't enjoy it longer) i fled the room.
and realized there were cockrocahes there too...
so i slept in my sleeping bag for more protection now. :)
after my irritated day was over, i realized that i need humility in so many ways.
it is such a power struggle, when i know i am capable of things and my family doubts me.
(example: i was asked on sunday if i had ever walked barefoot before? or how i knew how to wash the dishes? or that i shouldn't walk 50 feet in the dark because i might fall)
but i am trying to remind myself that they just care about me and i should let them help me!
so if you think of it this week, please pray that i would be a "humble learner".

today on my way to class, from reading, a MONKEY crossed my path.
it was huge and had a long red tail. i was so excited!
it was the first time i saw one on campus!
it was a "i am STILL in africa moment"

tonight i am making mac and cheese (and banana boats!) for my family, over a campfire stove...
so i am praying everything works out and it tastes good!
i will keep you posted! :)

that was quite a random blog entry...
some prayer requests:
. that i would know my purpose in being here and what i am called to DO with all that i have seen and learned.
. for humility this week with my family
. for the thousands of people who are being evacuated and displaced in N. and E. Uganda due to horirble flooding.
. for maintating a RELATIONSHIP and not a religion with Jesus, and strengthening my faith!

ps: an akward-"still-in-africa-moment"-with-the-bucket, story: it was time for bed and my mom was still in our room, so i was waiting to get in bed until i used the bucket (when she was gone or asleep). she asked me what i was waiting for and i asked if i coudl use the bucket... hoping she would leave for a minute. Oh, NO NO. she not only stayed in the room, she continued talking with me... eek!! i chuckled aloud to myself, what else could i do?! :)